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Strategic Plan Development Committee

In consultation with the university community, the Strategic Plan Development Committee (SPDC) was established by the Office of the President in April 2023. The SPDC membership includes faculty, staff, students and administrators that represent the diverse divisions, colleges and units on campus. The SPDC drafted the strategic plan over summer and fall 2023, and concluded its work in early spring 2024. 

Chean Chin Ngo
Professor & Department Chair, Mechanical Engineering

Christine Muriel
Chief of Operations, AF

Debbie Vengco
Director, Marketing & Enrollment Management, EIP

Denise Chow
Human Resources Analyst, IT

Eileen Walsh (Co-Chair)
Professor, Sociology; Academic Senate Chair

Elaine Frey
Assistant Vice President, Graduate Studies

Ellen Treanor
Associate Vice President; Chief Communication Officer, UA

Elva Rubalcava
Chief of Staff, President’s Office

Enrique Chavez
Supervising Plumber, AF

Erika Thomas
Associate Professor, Human Communication Studies

Gina Park
Senior Data Strategist, Institutional Effectiveness and Planning, PO

HyeKyeung Seung
Professor & Department Chair, Communication Sciences & Disorders

Jennifer Frias
Director, Begovich Gallery

Jidong Huang
Professor & Department Chair, Electrical Engineering

John Ramirez
Senior Director of Facilities Management, AF

Josh Smith
Professor, Physics

Juye Ji
Associate Professor, Social Work

Kevin Phillips
Circulation Manager, Pollak Library

Lisa Lopez
Senior Research Development Officer, HHD

Lisa Tran
Professor & Department Chair, History

Lois Bryan
Master Electrician, AF

Maria Malagon
Associate Professor, Sociology

Marie Johnson
Dean, NSM

Matt Badal 
Chief of Operations and Director of Innovation, IT

Matt Wilken
IT Consultant, NSM

Ashley Zazueta
ASI, Board Chair

Michelle Soto-Peña
Assistant Professor, Elementary & Bilingual Education

Michael Milligan
Professor of Finance

Nelson Nagai
Senior Director, Business Process Improvement and Shared Services, AF 

Nic Furtado
ASI, Board of Directors

Nina Garcia
Executive Assistant & Special Projects Liaison, HRDI

Phenicia McCullough
Associate Vice President, Human Resources Services, HRDI

Philip Vasquez
Director of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Programs, HRDI

Randall Goldberg
Director, School of Music

Raquel Clovery
Admission Assistant, EDU

Rosalinda Larios
Assistant Professor, Special Education

Rosario Borromeo
HR/Payroll Director, ASC

Sampson Akwafuo
Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Sara Perry
Assistant Athletics Director, Chief Financial Officer, SWA

Sharnette Underdue
Director of Admissions, SA

Sheryl Fontaine
Dean, HSS

Sridhar Sundaram
Dean, CBE

Stefanie Light
Chief of Operations, UA

Steve Stambough
Professor, Political Science; Faculty Advisor to the Provost

Su Swarat (Co-Chair)
Senior Associate Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness and Planning, PO

Talia Fernandez
Graduate Student, MA Sociology

Vincent Vigil
Associate Vice President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students, SA

Wulfrano Garcia
Benefits Coordinator, HRDI

Yuna Kim
Associate Professor, Marketing